doggie bags

美 [ˈdɔgi bæɡz]英 [ˈdɒgi bæɡz]
  • n.剩菜袋;打包袋
  • doggie bag的复数
doggie bagsdoggie bags

doggie bags


  • 1
    N-COUNT 剩菜袋;打包袋
    If you ask for a doggie bag in a restaurant, you ask for any food you have not eaten to be put into a bag for you to take home.

  1. Doggie bags can trace their origins back to ancient China as well .


  2. In ancient Rome , however , doggie bags were a way of life .


  3. It 's the only place that still serves old school Swan doggie bags .


  4. Well , then , will you put this and that into doggie bags ?


  5. In some cities of China doggie bags are uncommon , and leftovers usually go to the dump .


  6. We had a lot of food left over after dinner party ; we asked the waitress for some doggie bags .
